Her husband had attempted to persuade her over the years to modify her hairdo, but she had always been very proud of her 1.5 meter long hair.
She went to the hairdresser with some of her pals after 25 hard years and had her hair cut to her shoulders because she had finally had enough.
“We love to see different things done on customers — different styles — and we meet very often and I always see her the same way,” Eda Motchka, the owner of the hair salon told WXYZ-TV Detroit about Ramirez.
But she had a reason for doing that. Rosa sent 4 feet of her hair to the nonprofit company Locks of Love, which manufactures wigs for kids whose hair has been lost to cancer.“I think it would make somebody’s day who’s suffering from a bad disease, it will make their day a little brighter,” Ramirez said.
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